- Cross section of SOHK Nigeria 15 pilot schools in FCT
The School of Hardknocks (SOHK Talent) Drone and Geospatial
Training to School is
targeted on the North Central Nigeria as a pilot phase and will directly contribute to UBEC Smart School
goals in the following ways: Increasing teacher capacity and
STEM teaching quality –
This project will provide over 632 teachers within
the North Central Region (Abuja, Nassarawa, Kogi and Niger States) with face-to-face professional learning
opportunities, and high quality ready to teach resources. In particular ‘coding to develop mathematical
thinking and solve real world problems’ and ‘delivering project-based learning for STEM', key National
collaborative actions that are supported through this project.
Facilitating effective
partnerships with tertiary
education providers, business and industry – This project leverages existing partnerships that SOHK Talent
has with geospatial industry peak bodies, industry leaders, and university academics, to build stronger
connections with UBEC schools who will participate in the program. In particular ‘increasing Industry
involvement in effective school-based partnerships’ and ‘facilitating greater engagement between industry
and STEM teachers’ are key national collaborative actions that are supported through this project.
Increasing student STEM ability,
participation, and aspiration – By increasing teacher capability, and providing links to real world
problems, using emerging technology such as drones.
The Drone to School Program is being currently run in Federal
Capital Territory, Abuja supporting 15 schools across urban and regional locations. In this proposed
submission to the Federal Ministry of Education and Universal Basic Education Commission, we envisage the
program to be a national inclusivity program for both Unity and Government School in the entire North
Central Region (Abuja, Nasarawa, Kogi and Niger State). This will serve as a pilot phase and subsequent
expansion to other regions within the country.
Since 2019, our global stem education partner She Maps has been working with The Surveyors’ Trust in
Queensland to deliver an education engagement program, the School to Geospatial Industry Program, into
Queensland schools, as part of a long-term strategic focus on increasing the number of geospatial
professionals. This work with The Surveyors’ Trust has resulted in She Maps becoming a trusted ally for the
geospatial industry across the globe, with connections into peak bodies such as SSSI, Consulting Surveyors
National, SIBA-GITA, and Frontier SI, through to Government bodies such as the Surveyor-General Victoria,
the Surveyor General NSW, and private geospatial companies.