Golf To Schools

Utilizing Golf to Instill
Digital and Life Skills

The one thing that drives us

What drives us, really?

Our key drive is to make golf accessible to every child. We are passionate about promoting an active and healthy lifestyle, and we believe that golf is the perfect sport to achieve this goal.

This training is in conjunction with Secondary Education Board (SEB) and Universal Basic Education Board (UBEB) to enhace digital and life skills in students across the country.

Bringing our vision back home

Benefits Beyond Golf for kids of all ages

While our primary focus is on golf, we recognize the broader benefits that the sport can offer. Golf promotes discipline, patience, concentration, and respect for others. It also encourages physical fitness and provides a platform for social interaction and team work.

It's never too early to start playing golf while learning life skills. We take the first swing together and introduce the wonderful world of golf to our students!

Our Program in Numbers

SOHK Golf to Schools Stats




Schools Incubated


Coaches & Advisors


Subject Matter Experts

SOHK 9 Principles of Golf

Principles we build in our students


Golf is unique from other sports in that players regularly call penalties on themselves and report their own score.


Players must know and abide by the rules of golf and be able to conduct themselves by it.


Players are responsible for their actions even at times when others may not be looking.


Players are responsible for keeping their own score, and keeping up with the pace of play.


Players can increase confidence by focusing on something they are doing well regardless of the outcome.


Players determine the type of shot, as well as making healthy choices on and off the golf course.


A round of golf begin and end with a handshake. Players also stay quiet when others are preparing or taking a shot.


Golf players know that it is important to show respect for oneself, and for the honor & traditions of the game.


To succeed in golf, players must learn how to continue through bad breaks and their own mistakes.

Moments we hold
dear to our heart

The kids in this program, Golf to Schools displayed capacity way beyond our expectations. We have compiled some moments we would always look back on with joy.

Bringing our vision back home

Parents and Teachers inclusive in the Golf Program

Parents and teachers of these young golfers from these schools, were involved in every aspect of the program. They visited the kids at the course, supported them, monitored their practice, and are their first and most enthusiastic cheerleaders. Kudos to them!